Electronic Devices

Cell Phones

Cell phones should be off and stowed during the school day (7:55 am – 3:20 pm) unless approved in advance for educational purposes by the building principal. Students are encouraged to keep their phones secured in a school or gym locker during the school day. Students using cell phones during the school day may have the phone confiscated. The phone will remain in the main office until a parent is able to come to the school and retrieve it. Repeat offenses will result in disciplinary action. Students will however be allowed to use their cell phones to play games, text or listen to music with an ear phone during their lunch period. Any inappropriate use of cellphones to degrade, humiliate or to make others uncomfortable will be addressed by the administration as a discipline issue.

Other Electronic Devices

Students may not carry, wear, or use any electronic music devices with earphones at any time except in the cafeteria during their lunch or senior lounge period. Pagers, lasers and walkie-talkies are not allowed. Items will be confiscated until a parent is able to pick them up. Repeat offenses will result in disciplinary action.